I disagree. I think they’re dying because big publishers have become so risk averse. It takes forever for a game to be finished and when it’s done it’s usually forgettable slop, with a few exceptions. PC gaming allows for different tiers of games to be developed more easily so there’s more variety.
The cycle I see is aligned with the console generations.
For the first half of the gen the console proposition is reasonably modern and some people with older PCs will pick up a console instead of a new PC build.
For the second half of the gen the console proposition is dated and PCs can achieve the same power for a modest price, or exceed that power for a few dollars more. Some people will switch to PC either as an upgrade or when their current console fails.
In my experience very few people replace a PC, even an old one, with a console. At most people might buy a console in addition to their PC and that just becomes less and less viable as each console generation is more expensive and closer to the price of a new PC anyway.
Consoles are dying. Thanks to them becoming locked pre-built PCs. So why just get a PC at that point.
I disagree. I think they’re dying because big publishers have become so risk averse. It takes forever for a game to be finished and when it’s done it’s usually forgettable slop, with a few exceptions. PC gaming allows for different tiers of games to be developed more easily so there’s more variety.
We’ll file this under the same prediction bracket as those who thought PC gaming was dying in the early 2000s.
The cycle I see is aligned with the console generations.
For the first half of the gen the console proposition is reasonably modern and some people with older PCs will pick up a console instead of a new PC build.
For the second half of the gen the console proposition is dated and PCs can achieve the same power for a modest price, or exceed that power for a few dollars more. Some people will switch to PC either as an upgrade or when their current console fails.
Then the cycle continues every 6 or 7 years.
In my experience very few people replace a PC, even an old one, with a console. At most people might buy a console in addition to their PC and that just becomes less and less viable as each console generation is more expensive and closer to the price of a new PC anyway.