• Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
    4 hours ago

    tells me you might be a fascist bigot, or you might be stupid.

    And you trying to bully and pressure me, tells me you might be a fascist bigot, or you might be stupid. Either way, it’s not a persuasive argument to make anyone think you have anything of value to say.

    I’m still voting third party. And proudly. Thank you!

    • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
      1 hour ago

      Bully you? No. Pressure you? Yes, of course. Politics is persuasion. And I can honestly say I don’t really care how you vote. I’m not arguing with you. I’m pointing out what a horrible decision you’re making, the flaws in your mindset (honest or otherwise) so that maybe others will make better decisions than you.

      If that hurts your feelings, I’ll point out that people have died because Trump was elected. Women have suffered. Children were separated from their families and lost. Our Covid response was abysmal in part because doctors felt the need to incude Trump’s name in their briefing reports. This is more important than your feelings. Democracy is at stake, and that’s not at all an exaggeration. Trump put three Christian Nationalists on the Supreme Court. My grandchildren will be cleaning up the mess Trump and his supports have caused. So, respectfully, get fucked.

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
        31 minutes ago

        And I can honestly say I don’t really care how you vote.

        Good! Because nothing you have said has made me change my mind. :)

        I’ll point out that people have died because Trump was elected.

        Every administration, regardless of party, has implemented policies that have tragically resulted in loss of life—whether it’s war, lack of healthcare reform, or economic policies that push people into poverty. Singling out one president as uniquely responsible ignores a long-standing pattern of decisions that harm the most vulnerable. If we want real change, we need to focus on breaking the cycle, not just blaming one person.

        I can vote however I want. For whoever I want. It’s my right. I respect your rights to vote for whoever you want, you can respect mine. Thank you!