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I love turn based RPGs so what’s good, what should I be getting, what’s one of those games that’s on such a good sale I’d be a fool to pass it up?

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    8 days ago

    I’m really into vaguely- or extremely-Earthbound-like games. Since Omori was already mentioned (and it’s the best of that subgenre along with grandpa OFF and Undertale), I’ll mention the Endless Empty, which is a giant CW for suicide and drug abuse, and also admittedly kind of buggy. Also I don’t see it currently on sale despite it mechanically being very much a conventional RPG, so I guess that defeats the point of the comment, but it might go on sale on a later day! On a related note, Nepenthe (which is like if Undertale was written by Toby Fox’s dad), is also not on sale.

    Let’s see . . . there’s LISA and its offshoots, with basically every content warning short of snuff being applicable to those, and also it’s full price right now . . . West of Loathing is cool and I assume the sequel is too, and those are actually on sale. Suits: Absolute Power is pretty good and also on sale. In Stars and Time is on sale and I really recommend playing the demo first because a) it is a better game and b) it doesn’t have the same impact if you know what you learn in the full game. Neither Hylics 1 or 2 are currently on sale, which is unfortunate, because those are up there.

    Moonring is free but also more of a CRPG I guess and also not Earthbound-like (which, to be clear, all the previous games are). Virgo and the Zodiac isn’t substantially Earthbound-like but it’s a good rpg on sale. “Get in the Car, Loser!” could only be more of a Hexbear sim if it was a) actually Bolshevik or b) framed around a trainride instead of a roadtrip, but as-is you’re still a gang of transbians/cisbians fighting industrial demons and doing dumb quips, and it’s also not on sale yet (I got it when it was free).

    Uh, Franzen and Grimm’s Hollow are both pretty good and they are free last I checked.

    I don’t know, I think this mostly wasn’t very helpful, I just like RPGs.

    I haven’t played Cesspool but it seems neat and it’s at a large discount

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        7 days ago

        I forgot about Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass, which is also in the Earthbound-like category and arguably maybe the fourth best after UT, Omori, and OFF. It’s also on sale. I have some criticisms of it since it’s probably the game I played the most of any I’ve mentioned (it’s one of the only ones with any post-game, and a pretty solid one at that) that I can get into if you like, but so long as you can stand: a) the occasional veer into edgelord aesthetics (watch the trailer) and b) the most pandering variant of an already exhausting plot-twist trope (though the execution on it makes it worthwhile, imo), then I think most RPG fans will really like it.