Was talking with an uncle today and at some point we were talking about backup choices if Trump doesn’t run for whatever reason. I mentioned De Santis and unc said he heard something about DS getting endorsed by Soros. Did some googling and I think this is probably bogus but my uncle seems convinced for some reason or another.

found lots of stuff, like here, saying that the whole rumor started cuz The Gateway Pundit basically fucked up and misinterpreted something soros was saying.

and also this saying desantis suspended some soros prosecutors: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ron-desantis-suspends-second-soros-linked-prosecutor-for-alleged-neglect-of-duty/ar-AA1f16R8

What do you guys think? Something to it, or my uncle’s full of it? I did see this about Ramaswamy taking Soros money and gonna ask him tomorrow if he was thinking of the wrong guy maybe