Fixes 57 bugs (addressing 150 👍) Bun's CSS bundler is here (and very experimental). `bun publish` is a drop-in replacement for `npm publish`. `bun build --bytecode` compiles to bytecode leading to 2x faster start time. Bun.color() formats and normalizes colors. `bun pm whoami` prints your npm username. bun install reads $HOME/.npmrc. bun build --format=cjs outputs CommonJS modules. bun build --target=node now supports Node.js native addons. 30x faster crypto.privateEncrypt() & crypto.publicDecrypt(). Zombie process killer in bun test. --banner and --footer options in bun build. Bun.serve().stop() returns a promise. CryptoHasher now supports HMAC. Bugfixes for node:zlib, node:module, and node:buffer. Lots more bugfixes and Node.js compatibility improvements.
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