The “Rich Men North Of Richmond” singer angered racists with his “melting pot” comment.

      10 months ago

      I don’t see at all how it’s one of our largest strength. It’s a constant source of conflict. Places like Japan can really focus on their society and not have whole cities brought to the grown because a white cop killed a black person.

      Nor do they have gangs of “insert color” people beating the shit out of Japanese youth.

      Any time you add a element of diversity it’s going to increase conflict . So it should be for good reason every time.

      In America it’s always been about cheap labor.

      I love that I can learn a language and practice it in America because we have so many immigrants but it’s kinda crazy to think it’s our greatest strength.

      That would be our natural resources and freedom loving constitution if you asked me.

      10 months ago

      America is a melting pot and always has been

      when the term melting pot was originally coined, it was largely referring to things during the industrial revolution where migrants from various places in europe who actually wanted to work hard and make something of themselves were the ones coming into the country.

      today, the migrants (and a large chunk of the citizens) just want free handouts from the government. remember government money comes from taxes. so in effect, they just want to live off someone else’s dime. THAT is why we make fun of socialism here.

      I’d agree it’s one of our largest strengths is the melting pot.

      it’s only a strength if it brings something useful to the table and that’s directly related to the quality of immigrant.

      and ‘open borders’ shit where you can’t screen the immigrants coming into your country is the exact opposite of quality control. i don’t hate anyone based on skin color but i also don’t want other countries criminals and their people who fail to contribute to society

    10 months ago

    > I mean, we are the melting pot of the world, and that’s what makes us strong is our diversity

    One widely shared post from a blue-checked account full of racist posts reads, “Such a let down. Did he sell out already to the rich men north of Richmond?” Another account called @Black_Pilled, whose bio indicates that it had recently been unbanned when Twitter welcomed white nationalists back to the platform, shared the clip with the caption “Promoted algorithm boosted ‘based’ red beard hillbilly song guy was faking his accent and says diversity is our strength.” Another tweet complains, “Oliver Anthony is now openly calling America a (((melting pot))) and saying diversity is our strength. Using the voice of the downtrodden white working class to smuggle this message is one of the most despicable antiwhite psyops ever.”

    sounds likely manufactured or bought off, Twitter isn’t fooled LOL