The “Rich Men North Of Richmond” singer angered racists with his “melting pot” comment.

    10 months ago

    America is a melting pot and always has been

    when the term melting pot was originally coined, it was largely referring to things during the industrial revolution where migrants from various places in europe who actually wanted to work hard and make something of themselves were the ones coming into the country.

    today, the migrants (and a large chunk of the citizens) just want free handouts from the government. remember government money comes from taxes. so in effect, they just want to live off someone else’s dime. THAT is why we make fun of socialism here.

    I’d agree it’s one of our largest strengths is the melting pot.

    it’s only a strength if it brings something useful to the table and that’s directly related to the quality of immigrant.

    and ‘open borders’ shit where you can’t screen the immigrants coming into your country is the exact opposite of quality control. i don’t hate anyone based on skin color but i also don’t want other countries criminals and their people who fail to contribute to society