Have you played a game that stayed in your head long after you played it?

For me, Outer Wilds would be that game. I feel like I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I beat it a couple years ago.

  • EnigmaNL
    1 year ago

    Basically all Blizzard games between '95 and '04 (So Warcraft 2 up until World of Warcraft). I just loved them all. Great gameplay and awesome music. The soundtracks for the games of that era are just permanently recorded in my brain and they’ll randomly start playing in my mind very often.

    Diablo 1 was my first ARPG and I remember playing it online and not knowing what the hell people were talking about because I wasn’t familiar with the lingo yet. I loved playing online with the overpowered duped items like the Godly Plate of the Whale and the Arch-Angel’s Staff of Apocalypse. It was great.

    Diablo 2 was even better than the first one. My favorite ARPG of all-time and in my opinion still the best one ever made. I’ve spent hundreds of hours on this game online and I still wish I could relive those days. One of the greatest games ever.

    Warcraft 2 was also one of my favorite games, the soundtrack was especially great. I know every note of every piece of music in that game by heart. Sometimes a random piece of Warcraft 2 music will just pop in my head and start playing on repeat for hours on end.

    World of Warcraft was the first MMORPG I got addicted to. I played others before, but WoW just had me hooked. I’ve played this game religiously up until the end of WotLK when the game lost its magic for me. I’ve played all the expansions that came after that but not much, usually just one or two characters to max level and then I get bored with it.