In honor of the death of Reddit (I hope), let’s harken back to a simpler time, perhaps when we old-timers were migrating from BBS chatting to Slashdot to Reddit. My favorite “oldie” is “The Website Is Down,” from 2009-ish. It perfectly captures what IT support is like.

What’s your fave?

    1 year ago

    Not exactly a fav but I’ll always remember when Omegle was brand new. It was before they had video and it wasn’t full of bots. I was probably around 11 or 12 and I had a convo with someone I vehemently disagreed with some or other topic about. We were friendly tho and continued talking on AIM (friendly, never more) and at some point family came up and he explained how things that my father had done to me was abuse and showed me It was such a huge revelation ofc and led to me telling my family and getting my dad prosecuted. That’s why I like discord sometimes I get that old feeling of genuine convo.