Yeah I get it, everything fucking sucks and sometimes we get a win. I’ve been here for 30 minutes tops and I can’t remember half of the headlines I’ve read, can you? There’s like no engagement on any of the posts here and there’s probably a dozen aggregators that post the same shit you’re looking at.

Shit that was written to nickel and dime you somehow, or lower down the food chain in an academic format for people actually paid to solve problems.

Leave the articles to the climate scientists and policy makers: This instance needs a place for people who get shit done, people who wanna change themselves and their immediate communities. We don’t have enough of that, anywhere.

    1 jaar geleden

    What you’re looking for is to get organized. You won’t find that on an online forum. Join a local anarchist or vegan organization, or hell even a labor union. Read books to help decolonize your mind and support your local indigenous action groups. Bring the fight to the politicians and the robber barons that are destroying the planet in the name of exponential and unending growth. There’s a lot one can do to help fight, but none of that happens here on an (honestly) obscure internet forum.