For me, this is the injection of anesthesia at my latest consultation at the dentist, it was so painful that i screamed to him. Anesthesia is rarely a time of pleasure, but damn, it has never been so painful.

    1 year ago

    Kidney stones. I’ve passed three of them and the last time my wife called an ambulance because I couldn’t get off the floor. Think I’ll go drink some water…

      1 year ago

      I’ve had two kids, both ending in emergency c-sections after many hours of painful labour.

      A few months after my second was born I got kidney stones. And that pain completely erased any conception of pain I had up to that point. Paralyzing, terrifying, unrelenting. It fucking sucks.

        1 year ago

        Oh good. So I wasn’t overly dramatic as I broke down to the floor, crawled to the toilet and threw up from the pain when I had one? That had to be the worst physical pain of my life. Hope I never feel this again.

          1 year ago

          No. Literally everyone I talked to in the hospital when I was in for my few all said the same thing, it’ll take even the biggest, baddest, meanest guy out there to his knees in tears. Until someone has experienced one themselves, it’s impossible to describe, but I understand EXACTLY what you went through. I have no shame in admitting I cried. I’m pretty good with pain, I’m the weirdo who literally enjoys the feeling of being tattooed.

    • vegivamp
      1 year ago

      I just s suspected stone stick in the urinary canal two years ago. Damnnnnnn. First time I literally was sweating from the pain.

      Still don’t know where the fucker went, I never got the satisfying clink as it hits the porcelain.

      I pay a lot more attention to my water consumption since…

      1 year ago

      I had bad effects of them for several years. My dad did too at similar age. The consultants thought they could pass by themselves as small enough but got stuck in ureter and had to be pulled out. Ive had two years free of them since then but every now and then get warning signs.

      I don’t think mine were as bad as some people, I was never floored to the ground but have witnessed others curled up on floor with them. Having said that it’s still the worst pain I’ve had and it was not just the pain it was that there was no relief, it was just constant wave after wave of it with no let up, no position to move or lie in to make it stop. It turned my stomach.

      The day I had them take out, peeing afterwards was a horrible burning and stinging blood filled tomato soup of a thing that went on for a couple days as healed but despite that I was delighted that the real pain was gone.

      Is there any real solution to not get them again? I just try to drink lots of water, watch weight, and keep eye on salt intake. I’ve heard fizzy drinks and cola are bad but despite seeing a number of doctors I never got any other advise outside of the above. I had hoped they would test the stone so would know it’s make up they took out but they lost it!

      I still live in fear of them and sadly suspect I will get them again.

      1 year ago

      Same. I had my first one when I was in another country (fortunately, my wife was from said country and I was covered under her insurance, 'merica!). I thought I had to pee really bad, and the feeling never went away. And within minutes I was on the floor in a ball with tears in my eyes. Because of the way military insurance worked, we had to get approval from the post doctor, who originally told us it’d pass. He called back within minutes and said “yeah no, that’s an emergency, get to the hospital now.”

      That was the day I learned how people get addicted to Vicodin (I didn’t, I just realized how great they felt).

      Anyway, I’ve had 12 more since, that I know of. Lots of people form stones that cause no pain. I’ve had surgery for 4 of them, the rest I just took meds to help pass them faster.

      Actually passing the stone from your bladder to cursed “birth” is the easy part, I always say. It’s over in a second. The problem ones are when they get stuck in the ureter. One of mine actually got me bumped ahead of a guy having a heart attack. Not sure how that worked. Another one resulted in an infection around a stent, which then likes to move, and feels like a mega-kidney-stone. From what I understand, the doctor who saw me that day was going to escalate because of the total lack of medication they sent me home with (nothing for infection, and a handful of Tylenol 3. For reference, it took 10mg of morphine to effectively manage the pain).

      Anyway yeah, kidney stones are literally the worst. My aunt has had 4 kids, and gets stones like I do, and has said repeatedly that she’d rather have more kids. That’s pretty damning.

      1 year ago

      Same with me. I felt ill overnight, and if I sipped a tiny bit of water, I would throw it up moments later, still cold. I tried to ride it out until morning, but the pain was so severe I had my wife take me to the ER.

      I was embarrassed at how much I was vocalizing at the ER, but it was like nothing else I’ve ever been through. I’ve broken off almost a whole toenail, and that was nothing.