Protip: when you’re done, doesn’t matter sitting or standing, push on your taint. It often helps clear the plumbing and prevents dripping. Was a life changer when I found that trick.
If by push you mean pressing from the base to the tip with two fingers, as if you were doing the scisors animation, that’s faster than wiggling it and it’s way more effective.
Protip: when you’re done, doesn’t matter sitting or standing, push on your taint. It often helps clear the plumbing and prevents dripping. Was a life changer when I found that trick.
That does get most of it out but I’m not always into pushing on my taint every time I take a piss so I usually just shake a lot and hope for the best.
If by push you mean pressing from the base to the tip with two fingers, as if you were doing the scisors animation, that’s faster than wiggling it and it’s way more effective.
Seems like that would be harder/more annoying to do while sitting