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The original was posted on /r/usenet by /u/LSDwarf on 2023-09-01 18:50:43+00:00.

Hi guys,

afaik, the key purpose of those 3 is to aggregate search results from Usenet/Trackers and thus serve as a single source of data for Sonarr/Radarr/etc.

Which one (NZBHydra 2, Prowlarr or Jackett) do you prefer and why? I guess their setup is more or less similar, so I’d rather ask which one is:

  • better in management of data sources (compatibility with trackers, adding of a new source)?
  • more stable and better supported by devs (i.e., less post-setup maintenance is needed)
  • … maybe some specific functions you find useful and definitely recommend?

Thank you!