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The original was posted on /r/usenet by /u/wytrzeszcz on 2023-09-02 11:52:46+00:00.


If I understand correctly Usenet will work over Sneaknet? Like imagine two villages in remote areas. They can host Usenet servers in each and just put Pigeon to fly in between them with 1TB sd card? There will be delay of course since bird can’t go light speed, but will it works?

Other thing is “Solar protocol” It is fancy name of keeping data available 24h using servers that are on different parts of globe and each of them is solar power. Em I right that message will go west way faster than going east?

For more clear picture imagine servers that are directly connected over internet all the time but servers themselves will be only power during the day.

Last part what software can help me to check those two scenarios on my desk without connecting to Internet?