• Delphia@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    See, Im a car guy and this thought process bugs me. Now at a certain noise level or manner of behavior I do agree but if I can offer a counterpoint?

    Every school holidays or long weekend around where I live the roads get absolutely clogged with caravan and boat owners just looking to escape. Be among nature or on the water and forget about their responsibilities for a few days and I just have to sit there and quietly sit in bumper to bumper traffic while my commute takes 3 times longer than normal so they can indulge themselves in their escapism. Every time I take my daughter for a walk along the waterfront theres some teenage girls doing a tiktok dance or some influencer with a photographer I have to walk around… sure I could be a dick and just plow through but I try not to fuck with people just trying to be happy.

    So I put an aftermarket exhaust on my car so that for just a few minutes a day I can feel like my life isnt just a relentless crushing grind of work, parenthood and sleep. I can pull away from an intersection and for just a second, I can pretend that life is the “fast and the furious” not “monotony and the tedium”. Like the people towing a caravan too big for their car up a hill and inconveniencing a bunch of people, I dont want attention I’m just more concerned with my happy than other peoples. But I’m not also a toolbag who floors a painfully loud shitbox around suburbia at 3am, there is a line.

    • NotSteve_@lemmy.ca
      10 months ago

      People doing TikToks or pulling their boats arent disrupting conversations in my own home nor scaring my pets. You may be escaping life for a few minutes a day but I, and many others have to live with your noise constantly throughout the day.

      Even though you only do it for a few minutes, there are many other people doing the same thing so it’s nearly a few times an hour that I have to listen to it

    • Wrench Wizard@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      You really had me rooting for you until you turned to the dark side in the second paragraph lol.

      Maybe instead of a muffler you could just install a muffler sound simulator on your phone or something and listen to the sounds quietly while you drive?