my number one tip it to first use a brown pencil eyeliner to trace your cateye then follow the line you made with a liquid or gel eyeliner. trust me. i don’t wear makeup day to day. When I feel gross ill wear concealer and a subtle brown eyeliner, I got this lovely melanin so the eyeliner is barley noticeable and give me this intense look. when i feel really gross or need to look “professional” or want to be treated better in public I wear a full face the whole 9 yards. If i wear makeup for myself it usually to follow tic tok trend or just have fun. glitter on my undereyes, blush across my nose, white freckles, black lipstick with black eye shadow and and all black outfit, contour my face to look more masculine, all blush look. I love monochromatic looks, all black, all purple. I took a stage makeup class in high school so sometimes i just make bruises and gore and take pics. this past year ive been trying to make makeup this fun thing instead of this thing that ive been forced to do (my mom forced me to buy and wear makeup to cover my acne for years, bosses telling me to wear makeup for work, some women being shitty in general to anyone they see as a women not wearing makeup). sometimes i full draw stars and shapes on my face (my hammer and sickle is really bad), it been fun.