How’s everyone’s experience been going with the AirPods Beta firmware? Any glitches you’ve noticed? Thoughts on Adaptive mode?

I’ll start off: I straight up don’t understand the point of Adaptive transparency. To me it just feels like a worse performing transparency mode, and doesn’t actually block out any noises I’d want it to. My connection and battery life has been good on the beta though, with pretty much only one major bug I’ve noticed. For a couple of days, one of the AirPods at a time would stop reporting its charge percentage to any devices until I put it in the case for 5 minutes. I’ve reported the bug, but also haven’t seen it again all week.

What about you folks?

    1 year ago

    I think it works mostly fine, some issues with the charging percentages as well, but they sound more balanced in both ears now. Prior my left pod would have less volume to the right.

    I really enjoy adaptive mode, I basically just use that. It blocks out all the loud distracting noises for me, like on the bus or while walking, but doesn’t disconnect me from the world of happy birds tweeting etc. I also feel less nauseated while having a slightly higher breath when in motion.

    Don’t really know about speech detection, as it is easier for myself, and more respectful to the speaking partner to just take one or both out.