For me it’s sunny, the temperature is 15 C, and the wind is blowing at 0.56 m/s. I don’t know what that that is in imperial units. Also their’s a drought where I live

    1 year ago

    For me it’s fricking hot and dry, it’s been straight two months now that temperature is 43 to 48 °C, and wind blows at 5 to 8 m/s with no foreseeable sign of rain yet. We depend on monsoon rain for our rice crop but yet no sign of it and all the weather forecasts has gone burr… There will be drought if monsoon fails but that’s very unlikely. Monsoon has been slowed down due to a sea storm and supposed to come late. Many farmers have already started planting the rice crop with water from pumps after waiting for rain fearing the late crop. I think whereever you are now is currently in better condition then us except that drought situation but can’t that be dealt with new technologies if govt is willing?