Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, teased a new app called Threads that is set to take on Twitter for real-time digital conversations.

    1 year ago

    Basically this:

    Meta is not a friend to FOSS, privacy, choice, decentralization, or anything the fediverse stands for. The only thing they could possibly gain by federating is to consume or squash Mastadon before it becomes noticeable competition, because they know people will eventually grow tired of the corporate bullshit they plan to pull with Threads. They don’t want people to have growing options. They’ll join the party with 100s, maybe 1000s of times more active users than Mastadon, and it won’t take long at all before they’re fully driving the ship. If there’s any attention brought to the fediverse, it will be because a massive corporation has arrived to “fix” it.

    Right now, Mastadon is growing because of Twitter’s spiral, the same way Lemmy is beginning to grow because of Reddit’s. Threads has the outright goal of growing off Twitter’s failures, but they won’t do it passively like Mastadon. They’re going to be aggressive and brutal.

    Have people forgotten how disgusting Meta is? Don’t expect anything good to come from dealing with them. Folks should want to join these platforms because they believe in open source and decentralization. Corporate social media has their own problems for a reason. I’d have hoped people wouldn’t want them to spread that cancer here. This is supposed to be the escape from all that.