Assume you rented a house for $2,000 a month. You own the home and it is completely paid off. You also live in another house that is also paid off. Would you quit your job (most likely a higher salary and benefits) to enjoy life and never work again for some money to survive? I would assume a very frugal life.

    1 year ago

    So you don’t only get 2k/month, but also two houses? That’s a major difference and one of the imo common mistakes made: only looking at income and not overall wealth.

    The next question is whether this gets adjusted to inflation. If no this might work now, but give it 30 years and those 24k buy much less.

    Also does this mean you need to stay where you currently are? Because one way to make this work would be to move to a low cost of living country. 24k in New York is poverty, on some small island you might live like a king with it.

    All that said I think overall the best thing would be to treat this as a nice safety net that gives a lot of flexibility one would otherwise not enjoy.

    Maybe reduce hours worked a bit when you need more free time. Achieve some goals faster. Or go for a risky move (e.g. chaning jobs or building a one business) with the security to fall back on.