“I want to remind everyone who’s watching this, that you do not have the luxury, or you should not give yourself the luxury of being a spectator and a bystander and exempting yourself from this process and say it’s out of your hands. Nothing is out of the hands of the people if the people come together and stand up for what’s right. So we will fight today, we’ll fight at every hearing and we will fight in between the hearings to save Julian! And by saving Julian from the horrific fate of being handed over to his oppressors and his persecutors, to the people that want to punish him from revealing their crimes, by preventing that from happening, we will be ultimately upholding the values that we all believe in and upholding the ability to live in a free society where journalism enables, through the power of truth, the prevention of abuses, and war crimes and atrocities, and corruption and injustice.”