• Communist@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    There is no consensus on this, some say they do, some say they don’t, i’ve read both sides extensively and have determined that it is obvious they are currently less intelligent than dogs, duh, what a shifted goalpost, dogs are highly intelligent, that is obvious, because their scale is nowhere near a dog brain. It is an open question if scaling solves this, but I think the potential with scaling is obvious due to two simple facts:

    1. Human brains work using the same unit parts, the structure is more complex, and number of connections is much higher, but none the less we are neural networks.
    2. Scaling has already been demonstrated to improve things.

    You shouldn’t pretend a consensus has been reached based on those few articles, that is simply not the case. They also all pretend intelligence is magic and that we’ve reached a dead end, neither is true, one could say you don’t think, you predict muscle movements… You seem to not realize in order to predict text accurately you must reason. I’m fully aware they are advanced text predictors, but you are the same.

    You should study neuroscience, you’ll find the purpose of a brain is to predict. “True AI” is just an endlessly shifting goalpost. It won’t be one until it is the size of a human brain, expecting a much smaller brain to outperform ours is silly.