This is the second State House in which they’ve achieved electoral succes. In Styria they also have elected members, and since 2021 they’ve won the mayoral office in it’s largest city: Graz.

what do the parties stand for:

  • ÖVP: Christian-Democrats, traditional centre-right party
  • SPÖ: Social-democrats
  • FPÖ: Extreme-right
  • Grüne: The Green Party
  • NEOS: Liberals
  • KPÖ: Communist Party

Some context about this election: It looks like the ultra-right was a big winner, but it’s important to note that in the previous election another extreme-right party also participated in the elections, and got 4.5% of the vote. They’re out of the picture now, and ÖVP now has those votes.