As other leading smartphone makers are perfecting devices with vertically or horizontally folding screens, recently published patent information suggests Cupertino might take a different route. A patent for “electronic devices with rollable displays” filed last October and published on July 13 references a device with a display that could be moved between an unrolled state where it is planar and a rolled state for storage.

    1 年前

    NEW for 2025! The Apple Scroll hath been unveiled to succor the clamoring of the faithful for devices which fold not, but rather ROLL into a beautiful scroll (1), suitable for the most discerning of cylinder enthusiasts! Only $1700 (2)!

    (1) Placing Apple Scroll in any bodily orifice will void the warranty, except in the EU, where Apple is legally prevented from kink-shaming due to the 2024 Schrems IV: A New Hope (For Sexy Times) Ruling.

    (2) Apple Quill $299 (required (3) to use Apple Scroll).

    (3) Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder $499 (4): Impress your followers on Threads by being one of the first to wear the official Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder to influence your followers to purchase their very own Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder for only $499!

    (4) The Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder requires an Apple Quill to disable the “Ring of Fire” theft-prevention (5) device built into the brim of the Apple Tricorn Cap Quill Holder.

    (5) The theft is from Apple revenue if you do not purchase the Apple Quill.