Teratic Tome

Ford’s Faeries

Rifts World Book 1 - Vampire Kingdom - Original Printing as it has the stuff for Circus and Traveling Shows

The Original Ultimate Toolbox for GM by Ibach, Ibach, and Pinto

Cites by Midkemia Press

Tome of Adventure Design Revised

The Arduin Trilogy

Hex Flower Cookbook

Kellri’s City Block https://kellri.blogspot.com/

Kellri’s CDD1-4 https://kellri.blogspot.com/

Justin’s House Rules https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/7842/roleplaying-games/justins-house-rules-for-odd

Gary Gygax’s House Rules https://cyclopeatron.blogspot.com/2010/03/gary-gygaxs-whitebox-od-house-rules.html

Malevolent and Benign by Expedious Retreat Press

Petty Gods Revised

Jason Vey’s Conan for OD&D 0 Free Game https://www.grey-elf.com/

Fantastic Medieval Campaigns by Marcia B

Varlets and Vermin

Zenopus’s One Hit Monsters List https://zenopusarchives.blogspot.com/2013/02/one-hit-point-monsters_23.html

The Alternate Wandering Monsters List https://beyondtheblackgate.blogspot.com/2012/08/alternate-bx-s-wandering-monster-tables.html

The Majestic Wilderlands by Robert S Conley

Supplement X Philotomy’s Musings

The Black Sword Hack Ultimate Edition by The Merry Mushmen

Worlds Without Number - Sine Nomine Publishing

Lavender Hack by Ziapelta Games

For Gold & Glory by God Emperor Games

OSRIC by Stuart Marshall

Swords & Wizardry by Finch - see new revised edition

Supplement v Carcosa by Geoffrey Mckinney

The Perrin Convention - get the pdf of All the World’s Monsters II it is inside

of course Chainmail 3rd Edition and it’s first 5 supplements - Men & Magic, Monsters & Treasure, The Underworld & Wilderness Adventures, Greyhawk, and Blackmoor

Please Post Up Your List

  • Hexed Press@lemm.eeM
    1 year ago

    Man that’s quite the list and more than a few of them are enigmas to me! I’m riding the train but I’ll try to think up my list later!

    • fredzBXGame@lemm.eeOP
      1 year ago

      Downtime and Demesnes is a great book The Noctournal Table needs to be available POD

      • sambeastie@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        The good news is that The Nocturnal Table isn’t actually very long as far as page count, so it’s pretty easy to just print the PDF as a booklet and just staple or sew the pages together. That’s all the official print version is, really.