I kimd of am, why are so many relationships in media strsight? We need more lgbt representation
This is dumb and I’m probably getting offended for no reason but here’s a small experience I dealt with recently
So like 30 minutes ago my grandmother wanted me to smile so she told me to think of a pretty girl and while I didn’t react at all my first thought was literally “why not pretty boys” Its silly I know.
I’m not out but I literally couldn’t be leaving anymore hints that I’m bi. Its funny how nobody noticed yet
Everyone here are probably tired of that shit. Being asked about when will you get married is not fun. Assuming your partner must be of different gender is not fun. Gatekeeped out of some locations built for couple (but for some reason doesn’t really think about same sex couple) is not fun.
I’m kind of in the closet because of a lot of this, but it’s weird saying I’m in the closet when I’m ace. Like, on the one hand, what am I gonna do, go around telling everyone I don’t have sex? That’s weird. But at the same time, it’s incredible how much normal small talk interactions with friends and even just-slightly-more-than-strangers revolves around sex and having sex.
“Sorry about that, I was up late last night and I’m still kinda worn out” “Oh, I’ll bet you were, YOU DOG wink nudge”
“Yeah, my girlfriend and I are going camping this weekend” “Sounds like FUN, amirite? [insert multiple innuendos]”
“I’m going to be a little late to the get-together; I really need to clean the kitchen before I leave” “Going for that [HOT SEX ACT REWARD] huh? I get it! Go get [THE SEX POINTS]!”
Like, it’s all over the place. It’s every day. I just kind of nod along agreeably, but I feel like I’m a big dirty liar.
Sorry for your experience. I can sort of relate. Too many conversations about relationship became conversation about sex for no good reasons. As if people have relationships only to have sex…