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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/Direct-Caterpillar77 on 2023-11-13 06:02:05.

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Canonconstructor

My teenager wants to hang out with me!!!

Originally posted to r/AskSF

Thanks to u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU

Original Post Jan 16, 2022

Hello Reddit Fam-

As some of you may understand it’s sort of exciting when your teen asks you to hang out with them.  Mine just did 20 minutes ago and wanted to go to the city tomorrow :)

I’m trying to last minute scramble and plan.   I was thinking Chinatown for a good afternoon of exploring then coming back in a month for a full weekend away.

My kiddo and I are fully vaccinated and live in Santa Cruz.  He is into records, vintage stores, art, culture, music of all kinds-  and pretty much the coolest kid in the entire world tbh.  He is totally down with a day exploring the neighborhood tomorrow since he has never been. 

Can I get all of your local recommendations for Chinatown, but then also for later when we actually have a 3 day weekend planned out?

It sounds very silly, but I moved here after college and went to work and I’ve embarrassingly have only been to sf 3 times since (I’ve obviously been more but only for work not for fun).  So I’m really unsure of where to go, what to do, where to eat, what hoods to visit that are perfectly walkable. 

I appreciate your recommendations so so much and I’m so excited to have tomorrow with my teen!!!



Sounds like he’d like haight street - amoeba records is a classic, tons of vintage stores. You could then walk through golden gate part to explore a bit and end up around 9th ave in the sunset, lots of good food over there and more cute local boutiques and whatnot! That’d be a great way to spend an afternoon/evening


It was said earlier, but I think Haight St is a good call. Park around Masonic and Haight - and just walk down towards Golden Gate Park (west).

Make sure you take him to Free Gold Watch on Waller St. It’s right near the end of Haight St and Golden Gate Park. It’s a vintage Video Arcade Room. Hit that, Amoeba Records, the Taxidemy shop, and some cool shoe stores on Haight and he’ll be happy.

There’s also a place called the Ice Cream Bar in Cole Valley, which is right next to Haight. They make original raw milkshakes off all flavors. They are freaking amazing.


Good Mongkok for dim sum to-go, but I’m not sure what time they close. Visit the fortune cookie factory and the Chinatown entrance/dragon’s gate! There are some pretty murals on Commercial and Grant, Sacramento and Grant, etc.

Waverly place between Washington and Clay is pretty at night, as they have string lights

There was supposed to be a Flower Market Street Fair for Lunar New Year at the end of this month, but I heard it was cancelled because of the omicron outbreak. If the Chinese New Year parade isn’t cancelled, that’s coming up Feb 19

Grant street is where the tourists go, Stockton street is where the locals grocery shop.

Update  Jan 17, 2022

Hello Amazing Reddit Family-

I wanted to update everyone to my original post asking for advice on where to take my kiddo during our spur of the moment mom and kiddo trip.

We had an absolutely fabulous time! We parked by the civic center and my kiddo decided he wanted to spend a few hours looking at architecture and walking around just to experience the city (who is this kid and where did he come from - he is so mature! hahaha) after a few hours, he decided he wanted to check out Haight we took an Uber over.

We spent the afternoon shopping, eating, and bonding. It was a 10/10 day.

He got a jacket he was describing for a month (couldn’t find it on line, found it vintage at retro city ) got a bunch of records and cds at Amobea, and I splurged on some hard to find Nike Dunks he has been eyeing on line since last may.

We had amazing food, got insanely good desert, got snacks at random places.

We ended the day with a walk to golden gate took some selfies, and called it a day. We walked over 10 miles today and it was literally my PERFECT day.

We are planning a 3 day weekend so we can really experience the city. Because I have to work tomorrow, we both knew we’d have to make this trip a bit quicker.

I’m keeping that last post live because there was SO MANY THINGS we wanted to do, but didn’t have time for. Hanging out with my kid is literally my favorite thing to to do- and from the absolute bottom of my heart- thank you for your local expertise so he had a great time. I’m hitting up the rest of that list next time and will slowly chisel away at it. He has a 3 day weekend in Mid February so it will be sooner than later.

You are the most amazing community on the internet. Thank you for helping me make today perfect:)

And please call your mom, and if possible, take her out to brunch and/or give her a hug. She will love it. If you don’t have a momma, hit me up - I’d like to give you a hug and take you to brunch (you decide the place hahaha)

Thank you so so much from me and my kiddo ❤️ today was absolutely excellent.


    10 months ago

    Checking u/Canonconstructor’s history shows that her, her husband and her kid got complete covid shots with boosters. Following in the span of a year and a half, she gets leukemia, her husband gets bladder cancer and they all get nasty covid infections twice. That shots and boosters sure did a number on them. Of course, she shows no awareness that it all might be caused by all those shots.