I have an old cube. It only says “Dayan” in it. It is not horrible, but it is not great. I want something more recent.

It has to be budget, I don’t want to spend too much just yet. Specially since I don’t even know how to solve without having the algorithms in front of me haha… I need to memorize them!

I was considering a Moyu RS3M Super. From a review I’ve seen on youtube, the standard/cheaper version was even prefered to the others.

Do you have any suggestions?

  • Chet Rockington 😐@forum.basedcount.com
    1 year ago

    I really liked the old 2020 RS3M, which didn’t have maglev or a ball core, but when I got the new Super version I got the deluxe model. I’m sure any RS3M you get will be great, though.