It’s taken more than a decade, but the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has finally released an updated Plant Hardiness Zone Map that spans the nation and the territory of Puerto Rico in such detail that gardeners can now zoom right into their local areas.
Hi, it was a long time ago, but i did a search for you and found an article. Unfortunately, it’s in dutch, but maybe you can translate it. I’m sorry, this topic is not my expertise, but i did find it quite interesting. And a bit disheartening, because this info is crucial for people who plant forests, but not for the casual gardener.
As far as looking for resources, that’s a very kind offer, but my garden is filled to the brim! It’s not big, but very wild and i tried to plant some native shrubs that i felt were most beneficial for both insects and birds. (And since literally all birds skip the paved gardens in our neighborhood and flock to our garden to sing, to feed, to mate, to rest and to breed, i would say that we are doing something right :-)
Thank you so much! And yes, it sounds like you’re doing wonderful things for your ecosystem!