Sounds like a very generous thing to do for the public good except Welcome to Gresham’s
If you want to attend the same school as James Dyson then this is the cost.
Meanwhile state funded schools are falling down around us. This is why we need better tax laws than we have now.
What is it with brits and the class system.
I’m british but I don’t get how accepted it is even now.
All these rich people have land dating back to 1066. “Haha yea. We aren’t like them. We just get on with our lives toiling away and they do their thing.”
“Do you think we should change anything?”
“Meh not really”.
In another life seems like the UK could have ended up like Russia. Thank fuck the victorians had an idea about civilary and honour or we’d really be fuckdd.
The UK is more like Russia now than it ever has been in the past. We have active voter suppression, gerrymandering, a government that now control the electoral commission, protest rights removed, and many many more.
The class system is not just about who land anymore. It is about who holds the most controlling influence. Murdoch being a case in point. This is something that is prevalent across the world. I agree that the old land owners should be taxed with respect to inheritance in line with everyone else. We most definitely do not need a king.