• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Whatever is happenning on the WB side is irrelevant as their contractual obligations to Sony passed to the merged company.

    Sony made a business were they leased long term to retail costumers something they themselves were renting on short term renewable contracts and, worse, misportrayed it to so said retail customers would confuse a lease with a sale. It’s not the fault of those renting stuff to Sony who chose not to renew the rental to Sony, that the business and contractual structure Sony put in place resulted in the consequences of a non-renewal of the rental being passed fully to the retail customers of Sony who, worse, were not in any way, form or shape, compensate for it by Sony.

    Sony put in place this commercial structure, knew the risks and structured it all ol that it passed them fully to retail customers without making those risks clear to said retail customers, quite the contrary. Sony profited before the risks materialised and passed on the consequences to their retail customers fully and without compensation when they did materialise.

    It’s not the blame of the guys upstream who were loaning something to Sony on short term contracts that Sony chose to lease that something long term to retail customers in a way that would cause many to confuse it with a sale and that at the end of the loan contract between those guys and Sony, the latter fully passed the consequences of it, without compensation, to their retail customers.

    At best, if you want to find blame beyond Sony, look at the politicians that made the Laws that allow Sony to get away with doing what would otherwise be deemed fraud and in their otherwise-fraudulent business model made sure the predictable negative consequences of the end of any rental agreements upstream, to Sony, would fall entirelly on the shoulders of retail customers.