Copié/collé du poteau Reddit :

POLL: Decide on the future of /r/Pics!

Hello, /r/Pics subscribers!

Boy, what a whacky time we’ve all had lately, huh? Reddit decided to kill off third-party applications, a protest got planned (and possibly exploited by bad actors), the site showed up in the news, various communities started opening back up, others decided to stay inaccessible, and then the CEO of Reddit implied that a bunch of moderators would be removed from their positions!

Crazy, right?

Anyway, we – the so-called “landed gentry” – definitely want to comply with the wishes of the “royal court,” and they’ve told us that we need to run the subreddit in the way that its members want. To that end, we figured that the only reasonable thing to do was directly ask how you’d like things to progress from here.

Which of the following should we do?

  • Return to normal operations
  • Only allow images of John Oliver looking sexy To be clear, if people choose the second option, screen-grabs from videos will be allowed (provided that there aren’t any visible logos, inserted graphics, or other digital elements present). You could – if you wanted to – look through episodes of Last Week Tonight on YouTube, find moments featuring John Oliver at his sexiest, then post images of those moments here.

It’s entirely up to you! Whatever the /r/Pics community decides is best, we’ll respect!

Vote, friends! Vote now!

(You can vote by upvoting either of the comments in the thread below.)

Voting has now closed.

Our final tally is as follows:

Return to normal operations: -2,329 votes

Only allow images of John Oliver looking sexy: 37,331 votes

It would seem that the community has spoken!

Henceforth, /r/Pics will only allow images of John Oliver looking sexy.

(Said images must adhere to all of the community’s other rules, including those mandated by Reddit.)

Happy posting!

      1 year ago

      Mise à jour suite aux menaces de virer les modos pour les remplacer par des marionnettes admin :

      • sondage en cours sur r/aww : retour à la normale ou uniquement des images de John Oliver, Chiijohn (la version Chobits de John Oliver) ou n’importe quoi tant que ça a un rapport avec l’un des deux.
      • r/steam n’autorise plus que du contenu en rapport avec la vapeur
      • r/music discute de rickroller tout le subreddit.
        1 year ago
        • r/moviedetails a un sondage en cours qui penche très largement en faveur de ne plus partager que des détails de films sur John Oliver ;
        • r/shittymoviedetails a rouvert et encourage les publications sur des détails merdiques de films avec John Oliver ;
        • r/highqualitygifs ne contient plus que des gifs de haute qualité avec John Oliver ;
        • r/wellthatsucks est devenu un subreddit d’aspirateurs ;
        • r/shitposting ne contient que des mèmes louant u/spez ;
        • r/tihi a organisé un sondage “John Oliver ou retour à la normale ?” John Oliver est en train de largement l’emporter, mais finalement, ça sera très probablement seulement des images de u/spez ;
        • r/watchpeopledieinside a rejoint le mouvement de ne partager que des vidéos de John Oliver qui meurt dans son dedans ;
        • pendant ce temps, les membres de r/johnoliver réfléchissent à bannir tout contenu de John Oliver.

        ajout :

        • r/egg_irl ne contient plus que des images d’œufs.