• Buffalox@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t recall solar roads as a Musk thing, although I clearly recall the idea as outright moronic for many reasons.

    The tile sunroof thing however I do recall that Musk promoted, and I was a bit skeptic, the idea may have some merit, but basically only if you build a new roof, and even then it tends to still be way to expensive.

    he ran it by his actual engineers and they either got fired telling him no or just said yep you’re brilliant boss

    Now I too know that’s what he does.

    he looks like a billionaire simpleton

    I thought he was brilliant, because he was the first to make electric cars that were actually cool. He was also the first to make electric cars with a path to profitability, and although they were initially to expensive for mainstream, the idea was to make the technology cheaper, and work their way to mainstream, which he actually did.

    To enter a new unproven market takes guts and foresight, either that or being an eccentric with a lot of arrogance. I have come to realize that it was probably mostly the last that he had in spades. Still I was a fan of the concept of electric cars to reduce pollution. And I still respect his efforts to make that a reality, and I still believe he pushed that development forward by about a decade.

    going with my assessment ever since. He has not let me down, I wish there had been a bet I could have placed.

    Yes he really turned out bad, I was absolutely no fan of his space adventures as plan B. That’s outright moronic too. When he called the British diver a Pedo, it became clear to me he was a narcissist. Now he is all over the place, calling everything non white for anti white, like a little good apartheid South African. And everything that doesn’t discriminate is basically woke. I never imagined he could be this disgusting as a human being. Even for a narcissist he is bad. And that’s probably only allowed by the enormous amount of privilege he has had all his life. It’s a lot like Trump, who is also a narcissist born with enormous privileges.

    • JTode@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Ironically, I’m speaking to you via Starlink, so his space company is the one that I have some use for, at least until the new Fibre company gets here and hooks us up. :>

      • Buffalox@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Obviously Starlink has actual uses. It’s the idea of preparing for Mars as a plan B for humanity. That’s utterly moronic. If we destroy the earth, there is no possible plan B for humanity. We may be able to send people to Mars to survive a few generations, but it will take centuries to be able to make a self sustained colony. Making people work on that now, misses the point of actually saving the earth from the eminent dangers we are creating.