I’m trying to never go back to the other place, but the thing I miss is that there was always a lively conversation going on somewhere. On lemmy, it seems people don’t want to just have a conversation-it’s either serious or techy- I’m looking for light conversations?

Does this happen anywhere on lemmy where responses to your comments come sooner than a day, and people are just sort of in the ‘lobby’ chatting?

  • bemenaker@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Well, early adopters of tech are always the techies, sure you know that. Lemmy has already come a alont way in usability since I started in mid June. As mobile.apps.progress rapidly and the backend stabilizes and adds features, I think it will only grow. I have seen some great discussions on here, without the vitrol you got on Reddit when. You were wrong. I had one yesterday or the day before when it was pointed out to my I had a misunderstanding of a political theory. It was actually a pleasant experience.

    Keep up the casuals, and help this thing grow.

    • toasteranimation@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I’ve been trying to focus on inspiring civilized conversations, while occasionally challenging an idea if I have a differing point of view, but only when saying so adds something to the conversation. I was guilty of getting in some spats on Reddit, but usually with trolls who were asking for it-kind of irresistible sometimes over there. I too have been educated by some very patient people here on lemmy when I came over clueless about it and activitypub in general. I’ve had some great in-depth conversations, just looking for the casual lobby where I could do stuff like help newbs (I like to share what I learn) that sort of thing