So, Qatar is at the top of the list - for what? Doe they count exported oil, or do they actually burn loads of their own oil locally for whatever reasons? Or is this due to refining stuff and gas flares?
No UK? I thought we’d be higher.
65th, 5.2 tons per capita, just behind 5.5 that of Italy. you still could be proud thou /s
Thanks for digging that up. It’s pretty cool, but even Britain have a massive way to go, so disturbing that many are doing worse than us.
We have data from the same source for 2022 already.:
Table with the data. It is large so
Entity Code Annual CO₂ emissions (per capita) Qatar QAT 37,601273 United Arab Emirates ARE 25,833244 Bahrain BHR 25,672274 Kuwait KWT 25,578102 Brunei BRN 23,950201 Trinidad and Tobago TTO 22,423758 Saudi Arabia SAU 18,197495 New Caledonia NCL 17,641167 Oman OMN 15,730261 Australia AUS 14,985412 United States USA 14,949616 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) SXM 14,352394 Canada CAN 14,249212 Faroe Islands FRO 14,084624 Kazakhstan KAZ 13,979704 Palau PLW 12,123921 Taiwan TWN 11,630868 Luxembourg LUX 11,618432 South Korea KOR 11,598764 Russia RUS 11,416899 Mongolia MNG 11,150772 Turkmenistan TKM 11,03418 North America 10,5346775 Greenland GRL 10,473997 Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM 10,293288 High-income countries 10,136309 Oceania 9,85179 Iceland ISL 9,499798 Czechia CZE 9,3357525 Libya LBY 9,242238 Curacao CUW 9,189007 Singapore SGP 8,911513 Europe (excl, EU-28) 8,817789 Anguilla AIA 8,752724 Malaysia MYS 8,576508 Japan JPN 8,501681 Aruba ABW 8,133404 Poland POL 8,106886 China CHN 7,992761 Germany DEU 7,9837584 Europe (excl, EU-27) 7,886797 Iran IRN 7,7993317 Estonia EST 7,77628 Ireland IRL 7,7211185 Belgium BEL 7,6875386 Turks and Caicos Islands TCA 7,636793 Norway NOR 7,5093055 Netherlands NLD 7,1372175 Bermuda BMU 6,9370627 Austria AUT 6,8781943 Europe 6,8578663 Bulgaria BGR 6,8044534 South Africa ZAF 6,7461643 Upper-middle-income countries 6,617815 Finland FIN 6,5267396 Antigua and Barbuda ATG 6,4218745 New Zealand NZL 6,212154 Israel ISR 6,208912 European Union (27) 6,1743994 Belarus BLR 6,1669006 Seychelles SYC 6,1495123 Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH 6,1034565 Slovakia SVK 6,051555 Serbia SRB 6,024712 Slovenia SVN 5,9979916 European Union (28) 5,983708 Suriname SUR 5,8029985 Greece GRC 5,7451057 Italy ITA 5,726825 Cyprus CYP 5,616782 Bahamas BHS 5,1708703 Spain ESP 5,1644425 Turkey TUR 5,1052055 British Virgin Islands VGB 5,0039577 Denmark DNK 4,940161 Montserrat MSR 4,8447766 Kosovo OWID_KOS 4,830646 North America (excl, USA) 4,741475 United Kingdom GBR 4,7201805 Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA 4,708081 World OWID_WRL 4,658219 Andorra AND 4,6171236 Asia 4,611434 Lithuania LTU 4,606163 France FRA 4,603891 Hungary HUN 4,449911 Barbados BRB 4,3772573 Guyana GUY 4,3736935 Lebanon LBN 4,3543963 Croatia HRV 4,348515 Chile CHL 4,3041654 Argentina ARG 4,2378173 Nauru NRU 4,1700416 Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba BES 4,083284 Hong Kong HKG 4,081913 Portugal PRT 4,050785 Switzerland CHE 4,0478554 Iraq IRQ 4,024638 Asia (excl, China and India) 4,017375 Mexico MEX 4,0153365 Cook Islands COK 3,9950094 Algeria DZA 3,9272263 Niue NIU 3,8729508 Liechtenstein LIE 3,8097827 Thailand THA 3,7762568 Romania ROU 3,739777 Azerbaijan AZE 3,6746833 Montenegro MNE 3,6558185 Marshall Islands MHL 3,6353714 North Macedonia MKD 3,6245701 Sweden SWE 3,6069093 Latvia LVA 3,561689 Ukraine UKR 3,5578535 Vietnam VNM 3,4995174 Uzbekistan UZB 3,4830604 Saint Helena SHN 3,2986484 Mauritius MUS 3,2697906 Maldives MDV 3,2475724 Malta MLT 3,1035979 Laos LAO 3,0803475 Equatorial Guinea GNQ 3,0307202 Georgia GEO 2,962545 Tunisia TUN 2,879285 French Polynesia PYF 2,8509297 Botswana BWA 2,838951 Venezuela VEN 2,7168686 Grenada GRD 2,7133646 Panama PAN 2,699258 Indonesia IDN 2,6456614 Saint Lucia LCA 2,6149206 South America 2,4865332 Gabon GAB 2,3882635 Egypt EGY 2,333106 Ecuador ECU 2,3117273 Uruguay URY 2,3060381 Armenia ARM 2,3045583 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT 2,2964725 Jamaica JAM 2,2945588 Wallis and Futuna WLF 2,2819076 Brazil BRA 2,2454574 Dominica DMA 2,1058853 Dominican Republic DOM 2,1051137 Jordan JOR 2,0301995 India IND 1,9966822 North Korea PRK 1,9513915 Colombia COL 1,9223082 Cuba CUB 1,8659163 Lower-middle-income countries 1,8575872 Morocco MAR 1,8263615 Belize BLZ 1,7894346 Peru PER 1,7891879 Tonga TON 1,7686282 Bolivia BOL 1,7583066 Albania ALB 1,7432004 Moldova MDA 1,6565942 Namibia NAM 1,5399038 Costa Rica CRI 1,5226681 Macao MAC 1,5127679 Kyrgyzstan KGZ 1,4251612 Lesotho LSO 1,3594668 Bhutan BTN 1,3489918 Paraguay PRY 1,3299496 Micronesia (country) FSM 1,3243006 Philippines PHL 1,3014648 Syria SYR 1,2490375 Congo COG 1,2447897 El Salvador SLV 1,2174718 Cambodia KHM 1,1900775 Fiji FJI 1,1550449 Samoa WSM 1,1218625 Guatemala GTM 1,0756185 Honduras HND 1,0696708 Eswatini SWZ 1,0527312 Tajikistan TJK 1,0064901 Tuvalu TUV 1,0004411 Africa 0,99422127 Cape Verde CPV 0,9588915 Mauritania MRT 0,957337 Pakistan PAK 0,84893465 Nicaragua NIC 0,79879653 Sri Lanka LKA 0,7936504 Papua New Guinea PNG 0,77131313 Senegal SEN 0,6738352 Palestine PSE 0,6660658 Myanmar MMR 0,6445672 Vanuatu VUT 0,6363055 Benin BEN 0,631487 Ghana GHA 0,6215505 Bangladesh BGD 0,5964455 Nigeria NGA 0,5891771 Sao Tome and Principe STP 0,5816142 Zimbabwe ZWE 0,542628 Kiribati KIR 0,5184742 Nepal NPL 0,5074035 East Timor TLS 0,49869007 Comoros COM 0,49327007 Sudan SDN 0,4696261 Kenya KEN 0,45998666 Angola AGO 0,45155162 Zambia ZMB 0,44570068 Cote d’Ivoire CIV 0,41668788 Solomon Islands SLB 0,41232163 Djibouti DJI 0,40418932 Guinea GIN 0,35742033 Cameroon CMR 0,34292704 Yemen YEM 0,33701748 Mali MLI 0,31153768 Afghanistan AFG 0,29536375 Togo TGO 0,2910665 Low-income countries 0,28599972 Gambia GMB 0,2847278 Burkina Faso BFA 0,26295447 Mozambique MOZ 0,24274588 Tanzania TZA 0,23771806 Haiti HTI 0,21119381 Eritrea ERI 0,18914719 South Sudan SSD 0,1680176 Liberia LBR 0,1653753 Guinea-Bissau GNB 0,15518051 Ethiopia ETH 0,15458965 Madagascar MDG 0,14871116 Chad TCD 0,13367727 Sierra Leone SLE 0,13124847 Uganda UGA 0,12744623 Niger NER 0,116688 Rwanda RWA 0,112346195 Malawi MWI 0,10262384 Burundi BDI 0,06194545 Central African Republic CAF 0,040548485 Somalia SOM 0,03676208 Democratic Republic of Congo COD 0,036375992 The US should be at the top of every list and here isn’t in the top ten? This place really is going to shit
Clearly we need to pump up our numbers. /s
yea, each american citizen secretly has an oil field in his backyard and 4wd cars and a herd of camels to move around just in case
Romania is 87th… Not bad!