If people aren’t panicked, they wouldn’t elect panic-pandering politicians, so there must always be a panic — crime, drugs, commies, libruls, etc.
If people aren’t panicked, they wouldn’t elect panic-pandering politicians, so there must always be a panic — crime, drugs, commies, libruls, etc.
Even after the drastic collapse in violent crime after the mid 90s people still swore that crime was worse than ever. So this isn’t something created by social media. Normal media figured out that outrage holds veiwership, and thus ratings, long before social media got into the mix.
That’s true. The media has always sensationalized things for ratings.
Personally I don’t watch news shows, so for me, social media was the first thing that came to mind when considering this trend. Even though 90% of my algorithm is parrot and cat videos, that other 10% is angry Karens.
Yeah, most of my suggested feed is horror, history, and music related stuff. However, even though I actively make sure I tell youtube not to suggest them, and make sure they are not in my history, I still get a regular flow of, mostly right wing, moral, and crime, panic stuff. Even though I have had told YT not to suggest Prager U shit, I have been getting war on christmas BS from them for a month now.