By generation, Biden has the highest disapproval rating from Generation X (62%), compared with the Silent/Greatest Generation (48%), baby boomers (48%) and Generation Z/millennials (50%). Biden also has the highest “strongly disapprove” rating from Gen X (52%), compared with the Silent/Greatest Generation (41%), boomers (39%) and Gen Z/millennials (35%).

    9 months ago

    I’m also solidly Gen X, and nothing in this article resonates with me.

    Do I approve of Bidencs performance as President? It depends on what we’re talking about. Biden is who he’s always been, and he’s not doing anything that’s out of character for him. He’s doing fine on the economy and appears to have headed off the worst of the disasters. I never expected the college loan forgiveness actually to pan out, but I believe the attempt was well-intended and its more than any other President has tried to do yet-- not for me but for my kids. I felt he handled the situation in Ukraine very well, but is being equally ham-fisted with Israel and Gaza, again very on-brand for him. His handling of the Unions has been hit-and-miss, though. “Amtrak Joe” leaving the rail workers behind and embracing the UAW is a weird signal I don’t know what to make of.

    I’m not sure I had much of a point in all this except to say this article fell flat with me and failed in any way to accurately represent what feels like an actual Gen X perspective, or at least one I’m apt to hear among my peers.

    No, I don’t expect you to understand. It’s whatever.