After a weekend of testing on a beater computer, I finally transitioned my media server over to ProxMox yesterday. It was a real trial to get the drives mounted to the VM correctly without erasing them, but an hour of googling got me to a working solution. Now that I’ve had a few hours to experience it all working correctly…

This thing is amazing. It gives me such a technology boner just to look at all the info it puts at your fingertips, plus I’m getting much better performance out of some programs after isolating them. Only complaint is the subscription pop up, but I’ll live.

So if you’ve been on the fence about making the switch like I was, I can definitely say you should do it. This is a ridiculously useful tool for any computer enthusiast.

  • sloth
    1 year ago

    I’m brand new to Proxmox but this page was recommended and has a lot of helper scripts including a post install script you plug into the console that disables the subscription prompt among other things.

    See Proxmox VE Tools>>Proxmox VE Post Install