I found an old notebook PC lying around and I’m wondering if it could be enough to run a few services like the arr suite, qbittorrent and pi-hole.

Here’s a few specs: Cpu : Intel Celeron 1011 1.6ghz Ram : 1Gig Ethernet port

If you think it’s not a total waste of time, what distro would you install?

  • lemmyvore
    9 months ago

    I don’t know about the whole 'arr suite but one BT client and PiHole should not be a problem. Provided you don’t seed hundreds of torrents, but even that may work out ok-ish depending on the BT client – some of them like Transmission or rTorrent are more efficient than qBitTorrent or Deluge.

    Edit: oh and distro, any distro provided you disable unnecessary services. And I’m assuming you plan to use it in CLI mode only.