Las Vegas hotspots are waving the red flag at Formula One — claiming its executives are threatening to block views of the posh car race unless they fork over millions of dollars in fees.
Pay up or they’ll literally shine a light in your eyes.
Dumbest move ever. This could be so good for the sport long-term, if they just let everyone watch. Good for public image, good for exposure to new fans, good for long-term profits. But no - they have to go for the short-term money grab. When will corporations ever learn? Never. Because they’re corporations. For-profit never learns.
Dumbest move ever. This could be so good for the sport long-term, if they just let everyone watch. Good for public image, good for exposure to new fans, good for long-term profits. But no - they have to go for the short-term money grab. When will corporations ever learn? Never. Because they’re corporations. For-profit never learns.