Florida’s HB 1, typically considered the legislative priority of the year, is sailing through its committee hearings with unusual bipartisan support.

This year, the state’s lawmakers have decided to go after child and teenage social media use. The bill, which can still be amended, bans teens under 16 years old from creating new social media profiles, allows parents to request the deletion of an existing profile, and fines platforms for each time they don’t comply.

In a summary analysis, House legislative staff laid out nearly two pages of constitutional concerns, from First Amendment considerations to infringement on federal laws.

  • rdyoung@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    You can’t. Things like this including filters and access controls only help create the next generation of hackers and crackers. In the early 90s I was helping bypass the filter on the library computers and more recently I underestimated a roommates kid and she was able to get into my router and give herself internet access despite my assumption she wouldn’t be smart enough to do so. Probably got help but still.