While Education and Organizing is building the parts for a new engine the rest of the year.

  • Tinidril@midwest.social
    9 months ago

    Except that the left actually did show up and vote for her. Anyone who cares enough about politics to call themselves “left” is not likely to sit out an election, and third party votes didn’t make the difference. Bernie supporters overwhelmingly showed up for Hillary. That shouldn’t have been surprising since Bernie campaigned harder for her than she did for herself.

    It’s every day apolitical Americans who stay home and cost the Democrats elections, and the reasons why are clear. Democratic political strategies are intended to be vacuous and put the electorate to sleep. The establishment doesn’t want to win an election then have the voters actually expect them to do something with the office.

    The left has been telling the establishment what’s going wrong for decades. Campaigns that actually speak to the people win elections. The Democrats would rather just shoot the messenger.

    • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      9 months ago

      This. Every single time the democrats have power they do nothing to cement any kind of progressive or moderate holdouts when inevitably the Republicans win an election. They lost the Supreme Court, they watched the Republicans bend the rules, break the law, try and overthrow the government, and here we are. Biden has had the presidency this whole time and has done precious little to actually push back on anything the Republicans have done. Too concerned with appearing civil and considerate to actually hold senators accountable for their words and actions. If Trump wins this election, he will smile and shake his hand as he transfers power to a literal fascist dictator.

      • Tinidril@midwest.social
        9 months ago

        I think that a lot of people have an overblown concept of what Democrats can get past Republican obstructionism, and nebulous concepts like “holding senators accountable” are pretty useless.

        The way Democrats get policy past the goal is to inspire the electorate to fight with them. That is where establishment Democrats fall flat. Far from being ready to use an energized electorate, they are actually afraid of one. Their campaigns are literally designed to soothe the American spirit to sleep. That worked when the middle class felt secure, but not anymore. We don’t just want competent administrators who can keep things running, we want reformers and visionaries who aren’t afraid to shake things up. That scares the shit out of the establishment.

        Trump was a molotov cocktail aimed at DC, and Biden was a response that said “we don’t hear you, go back to sleep.”