Hey Steve,
its been a while since your last occurrence, when you and your buddy re-assured your commitment and explained some time of absence: fine with the most of us. But since then: silence.
Some of your early customers already moved on and wrote off their invest.
Could you please step the game up a little and start managing your community and maybe our expectations? For example you could share a rough roadmap, just so we know, that you are still on it and your community issues were heard? Or take half an hour once a week, biweekly or monthly to communicate your progress and what you are up to?
Best wishes a early stage customer that already resorts to other clients
I’m still mad Apple wouldn’t refund my bean lifetime sub. I would give that to Voyager, which is one of the few apps actively maintained anymore.
Well, the App basically works and there have been updates. Also — come time — there will be further updates in the future.
What would be the basis for apple to grant a refund?
I bought bean lifetime because all of the promises the dev told us, not because of the current state of the app.
Apple has a refund reason of “My purchase does not work as expected” which does kinda fit here. Thing is, the window to make the claim had expired, and I couldn’t convince them to check it.