Adkml [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Also I’ve never seen a trans person get out of their massive vehicle they paid 100k for for attention covered in half a dozen bumper stickers about how if you aren’t trans they should be able to shoot you flying multiple giant trans flags in the back of it wearing a trans hat and a shirt that says “yea, I’m fucking trans, if you’ve got a problem with that fuck you and your feelings and your whole familly”

    But I pass three different houses that fit that description for Trump in a 30 minute drive to work.

  • Liberals are in a similar box because chuds at least are aware of the fact most of their political goals are based on hating minorities and doing stuff just to piss off Liberals even if it doesn’t benefit them.

    Liberals are just as bloodthirsty when it comes to minorities and they don’t even realize that they’re reflexsively punching left while defending nazis anytime a progressive suggests they stand for something, except they also act completely morally superior the whole time too.

  • Especially when they get around other chuds.

    One of my last jobs was surveying and doing site plans for new places it was cool because I got to be outside a lot, lots of the time on undeveloped lots so it was walking around in the woods.

    The not cool part is my boss who I worked with pretty much all day every day was 100% fox news stereotype. Every time we got in his truck it was fox business the entire time. He’d come in I. The morning and ask if I’d heard about how Clinton personally hacked Trump tower and was going to jail or some such bullshit.

    But the worst part was as we were driving around anytime he saw somebody he knew, which was pretty much constantly between the area we covered and the number of constructiin companies around, he would literally have the exact same “conversations” half a dozen times a day. Where for 20 minutes they would complain about some completely made up horseshit, then tie that into how it’s all because of minorities and women, then move onto how everybody was an idiot except for them because they k ew the soluti0n was more bigotry and cruelty and everybody else was too dumb or weak to say it.

    Like half their day is just regurgitating the exact things they heard on the radio or TV to each other, over and over and over again.

  • A lot of Americans, especially the ones obsessed with voting, have the most incredible main character syndrome I’ve ever seen.

    No, asshole, we live in new york state. My vote for president literally does not matter and neither does fucking yours unless you crumple your ballot up into a ball and throw it at the dem candidate so hard they die.

    This latest Trump shooter is a perfect example.

    Voted for Trump in 2016 then voted for biden in 2020 because he’d become a single issue voter on arming ukriane.

    This dumb sack of shit literally could not have possibly gotten more of what he asked for out of voting for neigh on a decade at this point. But the entire country wasn’t bending over backwards to give him exactly what he asked for fast enough and hard enough so he figured he could single handedly also be a spec ops sniper and continue to bend reality to his will, based in the fact he deserved the entire universe to bend to his will.