AlicePraxis [any]

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I can recognize faults in movies without it completely ruining my enjoyment of them, because I’m cool and normal. some people get weirdly mad any time a movie does something they don’t like and I would suggest chilling tf out about it. making a movie is a complex process that involves many people making lots of decisions under specific constraints and it’s pretty unreasonable to demand perfection

    some of my favorite movies have definite flaws and that’s okay, all art is flawed because humans are flawed. hell, sometimes it’s the flaws that make a movie interesting

  • I want to sincerely love the movie but it’s honestly just really boring lol, I find it impossible to care about a single thing the characters are saying and I kinda zone out every time. The battle of Naboo sucks too, who wants to see a bunch of frogs fight a bunch of droids? It’s a mess. At this point I just enjoy breaking down what went wrong with all the terrible choices Lucas made. And to be clear I’m not hate-watching it or enjoying it “ironically”, I find it genuinely fascinating from a filmmaking perspective, to study how not to make a movie.

    I do unashamedly enjoy Attack of the Clones though, even though it has all the same problems as the first one, at least the action scenes are fun in that one, and Natalie Portman wears some pretty dresses. I’m certainly not gonna go around claiming it’s a good movie though.