Her sidder jeg, med mit hjerte brudt // Prøvede at skide, men slog kun en prut

  • 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Ang. diskussionstråden nedan, det känns meningslöst att bråka om den exakta gränsen för abort när ett bättre sätt att sänka abortstatistiken är att göra det mer gynnsamt för kvinnan att adoptera bort barnet än att göra abort. Folk i Norden har stor efterfrågan på adoption men pga brist på oönskade barn här adopterar de i stort sett endast från utlandet. Utländska adoptioner är dyra och kräver oftast 20k-30k USD per barn som adoptivföräldrarna gladligen betalar. Varför inte införa ett system där en kvinna som överväger abort erbjuds den där summan samt några månaders arbetsledighet efter födseln?

  • And what happens when those foreign workers in Solution #3 age, retire and need pension payouts…? Just keep hiring more and more foreign workers? Besides, “benefits everybody” is only from an national economic perspective. From the cultural, social and personal economic perspective, having a huge influx of foreigners in your country is terrible.

    I don’t think foreign labor is completely off the mark but there has to be guards against them costing more money than they contribute to the system, which means strict culture, skill and income requirements for permanent migration.

  • No, it’s 100% economics. Why do you think that having “careers, lives and travel” (as if having a family is not having a life?) is more appealing to modern first worlders? Because it doesn’t impact their finances severely. Having more children in impoverished countries is a financial gain because children are free labor and lottery tickets to get the entire family out of poverty. In wealthy countries, children are only a financial loss.

  • I discovered Lemmy around 2019 or 2020 and loved the concept but was put off by the density of commies, so I didn’t create an account and participate but I would check the site around once a year to see if the community had taken off yet.

    2020: Is it the year of the Federated Reddit yet? Nope, still commies and dead threads.
    2021: Is it the year of the Federated Reddit yet? Nope, still commies and dead threads.
    2022: Is it the year of the Federated Reddit yet? Nope, still commies and dead threads.
    2023: Is it the year of the Federated Reddit yet?


    And I am so glad to never have to see the depressing and miserable “culture” that was Lemmy from 2019 to mid-2023 again.

  • Andreas@feddit.dktoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldIs beehaw still defederated?
    1 year ago

    That’s relieving to hear. I know the backstory of Kbin is that Ernest was originally a Lemmy contributor but he and Lemmy’s devs got into a disagreement about politics, so he went to start his own project instead. There was no communication about the block from Lemmy’s devs for a while so a lot of people, including me, theorized that it was related to the conflict.

  • I have two phones as daily drivers, one Android and one iPhone. Compared to Android, the iPhone is very restrictive and locked down. Adblockers don’t work and you’re forced to use whatever iOS interface it throws at you. Buttons and gestures move around with every update. There’s no way to view and manage internal files, no sideloading, lots of options that are just not accessible to normal users.

    The positive side is that iPhones are very optimized and I can get similar performance to my Android phone despite the iPhone being older and having worse specs. The closed ecosystem also has its benefits, because it makes data very hard to get out, so I use the iPhone as a device to sandbox all the Meta crap that I’m forced to use.

  • Im not sure its so much learned helplessness as, and I know this will be an unpopular opinion here, I don’t want to understand how it all works behind the scenes.

    “Learned helplessness” isn’t meant as an insult, it’s just a way to describe… well, this. The idea that the internet is too complicated and you’ll never understand it so don’t bother trying. This is not the fault of the “normie masses” but rather society not treating digital competence as a necessary skill. Society has many more complicated systems like law, finance, insurance and property that people can still navigate!