I can’t really speak to Europe in particular as I’m an American and mainly understand American issues, but from the bits that I’ve seen it seems like Russia has been trying to influence the politicians of any country that “dares” to interfere with their intentions.
I would not be the slightest bit surprised to find European NATO countries have their own Russia manipulated politicians either willingly or unknowingly fighting against the release of weapons/money to Ukraine. On the opposite side we in America have a gigantic lobby that is solely focused on helping Israel, again I would not be the slightest bit surprised to find they too are operating in other countries that would help them (not necessarily a bad thing in concept, any country would want to have a lobby to petition other governments to help them. I’m not trying to be antisemitic or anything)
There is also the concept that Isreal helps as a “stabilizer” for the middle east. That’s the geopolitics argument, I’m not smart enough to know whether that actually works as intended or not.
Yeah I have some older coworkers I asked as I was just a baby in the 80s and none of them recognized this at all.