BadTakesHaver [he/him, they/them]

dont worry i’m not actually a redditor

  • 11 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Looking back at the DroneRights account, my perspective has changed a bit… I still don’t think DroneRights was faking having NPD or being Xenogender, but looking at some posts on its older pre-hexbear fediverse accounts, I can pretty clearly see some views and attitudes about enby issues and other beliefs that would not be considered acceptable over here, not all of which could be attributed to NPD or lack of social awareness.

    I apologize for not taking more enby users concerns with DroneRights seriously, with the issue of ableism in general, I am usually very defensive and not always fair. It’s not “DroneRights wasn’t transphobic, just misunderstood”, unfairly treated people can be transphobic, and I was biased here.

    After seeing some responses from users in this thread to DroneRights deleted post which it made (i believe) in defense of the comment that got it banned, I can see how not every criticism was made in bad faith against DroneRights, and I would like to thank the users who told me what they thought of the post. I can see now why users would argue that DroneRights should be banned, and without very drastic changes to this site, its purpose as a site, and how it operates, things are probably gonna have to stay that way.

    How DroneRights was treated on many occasions was in bad faith and ablest, particularly in reference to how they discussed its experiences with NPD. DroneRights having bad stances on enby issues does not make that kind of treatment okay. I can understand why users here would treat DroneRights that way, and most of it was not explicitly against any site rules, but there should still be a discussion about how to make this site more inclusive to ND users on hexbear, and I still believe what I have outlined in the latter half of my post is worth considering and discussing, as well as ableism in general, because it is a problem here, and there are responses to this post that would be against several community rules had every response been on the c/neurodiverse comm crosspost.

    For now, I am going to compile all my posts, and posts not by me but related to DroneRights ban into one easier to read post or comment, then i’m probably gonna log off for a couple weeks. The ND community deserves a more informed and prepared advocate for them, so I’m gonna do some more reading on ND and gender issues so i can be one.

    “OP has a very new account (less than a month)”

    My post goes into detail about 2+ year old hexbear drama about how the old ND mod team got alienated, burnt out, and largely gave up on the site. I didn’t feel like using my old account when I came back to this site after a break. My posts have been genuine.

  • Tbh dronerights was banned for posting some things that had nothing to do with it being ND:


    " “They” is a non gendering pronoun. If you use they/them, you’ll never misgender anyone, but you’ll also never gender anyone correctly either. Some people are okay with not being gendered and some people aren’t. You should respect their wishes once you’ve heard them, but I don’t believe you have any obligation to check them in advance"

    As I have said in other comments, I don’t think I would be a great judge of what is or is not Enby/Transphobic. If Users want to make judgements on DroneRights response to that claim, it talked about that in a post here that was deleted before anyone could respond to DroneRights or ask for clarification about what it meant, and I would ask that users please not respond with the assumption that DroneRights is guaranteed to be a troll, when it is possible that it is not faking being xenogender or ND.


    To anyone who has more than a passing familiarity with China, this is laughable because “Han” is less of an ethnicity than it is an umbrella term for a melting pot of ethnic groups. At the time white supremacy was invented, whiteness was a melting pot of ethnic groups. White supremacy itself was instrumental in getting all the European races in the Americas to gang up on brown and black. And the “white” people in the Balkans still haven’t got the memo that they’re actually the same race On the cross posted version of this post where this comment was also mirrored from the ND comm, there was confusion on if this comment was even racist, or if the comment was intended to be racist.’s comment in that comment thread claimed, “I don’t know if that’s racist, per se, but it’s reductive and needlessly provocative. Why tolerate it?” My response is that changing policies to encourage or require asking for clarification from “sus” comments before removing them or instantly labeling someone as reactionary without knowing what they intended is a worthwhile effort, if one of the goals of the site is to be a welcoming space for ND users and a welcoming space in general.

    If users and moderators believe that no policy change is necessary because giving users the chance to explain themselves or asking for clarification makes it harder to moderate, or isn’t compatible with our site culture of aggressively dunking on people instantly, then address the response that not changing or addressing these policies is saying to ND users “It’s okay to not keep your community in mind, because embracing “TC69 thought” and getting rid of and ridiculing lib’s as fast and efficiently as possible is worth it.”


    “The world has enough humanity in it. That’s how climate change started”

    This comment obviously looks horrible out of context. But if DroneRights deserves to be labeled as an EcoFash, then ask it what it meant before calling DroneRights an EcoFash. DroneRights post history does not imply that is what it is intentionally advocating for, unless assumed in bad faith to just be a fake impersonation of a xenogender ND user. As I interpret the comment, DroneRights is angry at Neurotypicals and the concept of “humanity” because it feels it is treated as less than a person because of their NPD.

    Was DroneRights banned for these specific removed comments, their entire post history, toxicity, or just “wrecker vibes”? If DroneRights was treated in good faith by default, and asked to clarify what they said on any “wrecker vibes” comments, would they still have been banned, and does intention matter in these cases and others like them? Its worth discussing.

    Maybe I’m just misguided myself, and DroneRights was a just malicious, bad faith, transphobic wrecker the entire time and there’s no way I could be right, and I’m making a complete fool of myself.

    But can we, for the sake of ND users, consider the possibility that DroneRights is infact who it says it is, and ask ourselves if our site policies and culture of assuming bad faith without asking for clarification is hurtful, and if it should be improved if it is so.

    The post is not just “was DroneRights a malicious troll or not”. or “We should unban DroneRights”. It is discussing how our site policies and culture of bad faith assumptions deserves criticism and can be harmful. Is DroneRights a 1 to 1 flawless example of how our culture policies can exclude people? No, but DroneRights is an example, and criticism of our site policies and how users act on this site is not made invalid by the argument that DroneRights was an “obvious” troll or that users believe DroneRights specifically deserved how they were treated.

    sidenote: this comment is not aimed at you specifically, and just incase my comment might imply that i want to clarify it is not my intention.

  • Are you claiming that ND comrades should get a pass on trans erasure? That autism (when you already claim non-cis pronouns) is an excuse to erase they/them?

    No, I’m not. I am claiming that in general, site policy should be changed so that posts and comments made by all users should not be immediately treated with aggression and hostility if possibly misinterpreted, and that measures such as tone indicators and asking users “hey what did you mean by this” instead of immediately attacking users would make the site more friendly to ND users, as well as more friendly in general.

    As for what DroneRights said, I don’t think I would be informed enough to give useful commentary on it, and I don’t want to speak over trans users. DroneRights responded to the view that they are enbyphobic in this removed post here, and it was removed before many users saw it or any responses were made.

    What DroneRights says doesn’t seem intentionally hurtful or malicious. I don’t think DroneRights should have been banned if the ban was influenced by moderators assuming DroneRights was an intentional wrecker.

    If the stance is that users can unintentionally be wreckers and its fine to treat them the same as actual bad faith trolls even if there’s a strong possibility of being ableist and invalidating someone, then we should just change how we treat users on this site in general.