Quak, Quak, quuaakk

  • 4 Posts
Joined 6 个月前
Cake day: 2023年12月23日


  • Facebook is able to make very accurate profiles of their users. Maybe they should just send someone to the address of the uploader of csam and other horrible stuff to break their legs.

    In all earnest, the fact this issue is as big as it is on their platforms is only because for some reason they let it get this bad. If they want specific stuff off their platform they can just make that happen… specifically by targeting the sources… In cooperation with law enforcement and or nasty lawyers and a court summons.

  • So the government acted quickly, signed a contract for the delivery of PPE that was delivered. Then the pandemic died down and the PPE eventually was not needed.

    I understand that these numbers are astronomical, but it does seem like it was done for the right reasons and in the right way.

    For a government to get the volume they require, they need a supplier to scale up. A company scales up the way this supplier did requires investments and thus income. Meaning large orders.

    And then this stuff has a 3 year shelf life meaning the existing contracts where sufficient for usage and the stock went to waste.

    Can you imagine if the government had not made these provisions and the peak of the pandemic lasted 6 or 12 more months. This was an insurance premium… an expensive one… but an insurance premium. People don’t whine their house did not burn down even though they paid the premium.

    My only dissapointment would be if it turns put elsewhere in the world there would have been an actual need for this stuff and instead of eating those costs, incineration was cheaper.

  • Yes, the Soviet union collapsed under a lot of internal pressure and strive. And when the Soviet army was overextended and the government could no longer control their Empire. Losing in Afghanistan showed internal forces that the bear was not unbeatable.

    I think it is safe to say that the Russian empire is getting more than a bloody nose in Ukraine.

    So in this case there will be plenty of parties that have a bone to pick with the Russian empire and see the Russian army is … well … Busy.

  • This kind of stuff is trivial for the IRS to find if they wanted to. Just crosscheck revenue, purchases and wage costs and such. And when stuff is off balance, audit. Here in the Netherlands they even look at how much mayonaise and water a restaurant uses to estimate revenue. Same as number of cans of hair product for hairdressers.

    And if a company is found at fault they force them to switch to predominantly taking card payments instead of cash to make it even more transparent for the IRS.

    Apparently they also estimate people’s net worth by looking at registered cars, real estate and the length of you yaght… and this is pretty accurate to determine if an audit is in order.