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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月30日

  • So what then is the difference between the boneless chicken wing cooking style and normal chicken wing cooking style? If it starts with “take a piece of chicken meat without any bones”, then what stops this line of argument from saying that it doesn’t matter how well they follow the recipe and thus restaurants can serve whatever they want to meet any order and then just say “we were following the (name of food) cooking style, not promising that, and are just bad at following that style or made up our own version”?

    On a related note, how are judges determined to be qualified to make any decision? Are they supposed to be fair and intelligent, or just do their best to judge things in a fair and intelligent style?

    That said, there was a bit of a fluke involved to have the bone go down the wrong way and also him not even notice for a few days. IMO in a proper decision, the restaurant shouldn’t have been fully liable for this incident, though they should have had some liability for that bone. And then some of that liability might be passed on to whoever provided them with the “boneless” chicken meat.

  • I think they have value as a consideration because I see them as the main motivations for doing evil shit. Not all instances of those motivations result in evil but most evil has at least one of them involved.

    And pride absolutely belongs on the list.

    Like there’s the pride one can feel in accomplishing something that boosts confidence and makes the person want to accomplish more. Or there’s the pride where one person thinks they are better than others because they have accomplished some things (sometimes reducing everyone else into a binary “did they also do this one thing I did?”).

    And then there’s the pride at being part of a group that plays a role in shit going on today and played a role in WWII. Actually, it was extreme in that case but many wars have leveraged pride to convince the population to fight it.

    Each of them can be either ok or problematic.

    Lust can play an important role in relationships. It can also reduce relationships to sexual episodes, sometimes without consent of all involved parties.

    Greed can motivate someone to better themselves to increase the amount of resources they have access to. It can also drive people to exploit others for the resources their skills or time can access.

    Wrath can motivate positive change when people get tired of systemic problems and it can drive someone to help another against a predator. It can also motivate assaults, murders, and genocides.

    Sloth can conserve resources when it’s not necessary to use them. It can also result in resources crumbling away due to lack of maintenance or care.

    Envy can motivate positive changes similar to greed, if the person can handle it in a healthy way. It can also lead to similar bad outcomes as the others, depending on what the person is envious about.

    Gluttony is one I’m having trouble thinking of a positive for. I guess it can also motivate positive change to set up a position where one can be gluttonous. But consumption of an excessive amount of anything is at best neutral if you can do it without affecting others, and will often place some kind of burden on others around you.

    So from my perspective, the seven deadly sins can be backed up with logic and reason, and they make more sense to me than the 10 Commandments (which is half sensible rules and half about religious power, and the religious power ones all get listed first).

  • Keep in mind that LLMs are essentially just large text predictors. Prompts aren’t so much instructions as they are setting up the initial context of what the LLM is trying to predict. It’s an algorithm wrapped around a giant statistical model where the statistical model is doing most of the work. If that statistical model is relied on to also control or limit the output of itself, then that control could be influenced by other inputs to the model.

  • I mean, with that logic you might as well argue that this whole community is pointless because no one is forced to use any of the products or services that use an asshole design, free or not.

    The purpose of this community, as I see it, is to point out anti-consumer practices used in existing products and services. While it could be intended to get the attention of someone who can change it, realistically it’s an asshole design because they likely knew it wouldn’t be well-liked from the start.

    The purpose of this community as I see it is:

    1. To vent or discuss anti-features.
    2. To warn potential or current users that they might prefer to avoid the service or product.
    3. To warn naive designers that it’s not a feature without controversy, if they are inclined to think, “oh, these other guys do this so no one will care if I also do it”.

    Walmart isn’t obligated to offer wifi, but sometimes you can have a shit deal even when the price is 0.

  • There is at least one other possibility: nothing that happens in this plane of existence is evil because this plane of existence ultimately doesn’t matter. Or maybe just individual suffering doesn’t matter because it’s all temporal while we are (or are a part of) something bigger.

    Perhaps we are an eternal being that started all this into motion and watched it or caused it to develop life that we could enter and experience this creation through. That would be a scenario where there can exist a “God” that has omnipresence, omniscience, and maybe even omnipotence (depending on what exactly such a being would be capable of when not playing an avatar that limits all of that) without any more evil than what exists in a video game or movie.

    No idea if that’s the case, though I do believe it’s a more plausible scenario than the one described in the Bible. I have yet to think up a reason as to why a being as powerful as the “God” character would be so jealous and wrathful other than humans wanting to use that character to cause fear that could be leveraged for control. The old testament reads just like an abusive relationship only the abuser was all-powerful (but still needs to rely on threats).

  • While I disagree with your comment, I do like that you made it because it presents an opportunity to say that there’s nothing special about unpaid internships that make them more ethical than any other underpaid work. It’s all about the exploitation of people who are in weak positions for the benefit of people in strong positions or setting the requirements for entry such that someone must already be in a strong enough position to survive those requirements. It seems different because it’s been normalized, but “normal” doesn’t equal “good”.

    I’d also say similar about how healthcare workers are treated, though that is more about the ridiculous hours and on call times than pay. And any other profession that has accepted it “needs” to abuse people trying to get in.

    Btw, that “underpaid work” above includes the majority of jobs in the western economy because capitalism itself is all about exploiting the labour of those who don’t own everything they need for survival or participation in the economy. Ironically, the owners themselves are in the same boat, since they don’t own the labour they need for their own participation, but somehow we’ve landed in a situation where most people think that ownership is far more important than time and effort.